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posted on September 11, 2006 10:20:56 AM new
These were purchased from an estate where the children only knew that they belonged to their father and they have no idea where he got them. Some are stamped Japan, one is stamped Made in Japan. It almost appears as the latter was done as an afterthought. It's only partially stamped on the toy. The wheels are held on with tiny pegs as are the drivers/passengers. There is a train engine, stagecoach, carriage, gypsy wagon and old time car. There was a pirate ship as well, but the children threw it away. It had deteriorated. Most of the people held reins that have deteriorated.

Does anyone have any idea as to the age of these items? 50's? They are quite dirty after being stored in an attic for many, many years. They are also small. For comparison, the train measures 3-5/8" long x 1-5/8" high.

posted on September 11, 2006 05:07:40 PM new
These are the extremely rare and hard to find Japanese ghost people. While rarely seen on the market today, IF you can find them they are invaluable!

(Cheryl, your picture did not show up )

posted on September 11, 2006 05:13:38 PM new
It comes & goes...


[ edited by tomwiii on Sep 11, 2006 05:14 PM ]
posted on September 11, 2006 05:19:17 PM new
I see the photo fine. Wonder what's up with that? It comes and goes? How odd.

posted on September 11, 2006 06:22:36 PM new
Ah, there they are. No wait, gone again! Yep, here they are...

I'm with you , look eary 50's to me. could you give us a pic of the bottom of one. Preferrably one that is marked. The stamp may help us date it.
posted on September 11, 2006 07:18:51 PM new
I would guess imported in the fifties, manufactured earlier. They really are lovely!

posted on September 11, 2006 08:42:09 PM new
Cheryl, Are they made of wood?
posted on September 12, 2006 02:00:37 AM new
LOL Paloma - title says wood.

Well, aren't we a ray of sunshine.
posted on September 12, 2006 04:57:59 AM new
LtRay - Here you go:

posted on September 12, 2006 07:10:31 AM new
OH Major DUH I must have been asleep when I typed that.
posted on September 12, 2006 07:41:30 AM new

You might want to think about changing host companies.

On several occasions - mentioned here earlier and now for me 2-3 times - your photos are not showing up.

I just checked www.kcscorner.com and received this message:

Sorry, this site is temporarily unavailable.
Please check back later.

Just thought I'd give you a heads-up if you hadn't realized the problems it was having.


Never explain -- Your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway.
~ Elbert Hubbard
posted on September 12, 2006 07:50:45 AM new

They are hosted through GoDaddy. Never had this problem before. I'll have to contact them.

It's www.kcskorner.com. With a "k" not a "c". It should redirect.

Edited to add: Just got off the phone with GoDaddy and it isn't a problem with my hosting. So, who knows? They said it could be an issue with the board or browser compatibility. The photos in my store seem to show up fine. Maybe it's the photo size?

[ edited by cblev65252 on Sep 12, 2006 08:06 AM ]
posted on September 12, 2006 03:29:26 PM new
hmmm, my mind instantly flashed to very young memories of walking through the dime store when I saw the mark. I just don't really know....

Perhaps since Old Toy and ToyBuyer haven't chimed in, they really are valuable.

Either way, they are too cute and would look great on someone's mantle.

Your picture size looks ok. Can't imagine why it is playing hide and seek, but it seems more stable today.
[ edited by LtRay on Sep 12, 2006 03:30 PM ]
posted on September 12, 2006 06:54:16 PM new
talk about it not showing I have seen it every time I came to see what everyone is saying and now your top image is not showing up for me. weird! Anyway these are cute toys and may be worth a lot. Let us know how the auction progresses when you get it listed. You selling in group or individually? looks like individually might be best way to go??

The harder I try the BEHINDER I get.
posted on September 12, 2006 07:07:54 PM new
Thanks everyone. I'm not sure how I'm going to sell them. I'm more confused than ever now. Older than early 50's? Maybe 1940's? Would I get more for them individually or in a lot? I paid $2 a piece for them. Well, the car was free. They were throwing it away because the paint is coming off and the little driver is missing. There was another one, but my daughter begged to have one of them to display in her cabinet.

Old Toy where are you??????


posted on September 12, 2006 07:23:22 PM new
Cheryl, Hold on. I have one more book to check..
posted on September 12, 2006 09:36:44 PM new
"Would I get more for them individually or in a lot?"

I would list each one separately but I would also offer a significant discount on shipping if someone wins more than one and I would make that fact very clear in the listings.

Personally, I love listing lots (load it up, move it out!) but in your case, I do believe you will attract more attention by listing them individually.

posted on September 13, 2006 08:25:48 AM new
I kept coming up with the name Hubley. You might have something great here. Here is a site that looks promising

posted on September 13, 2006 08:33:41 AM new
You can't compare Hubley cast iron toys with Japanese wooden toys. The wood toys are cute, but not of great value.
posted on September 13, 2006 09:51:09 PM new
They were made either before 1945 or after 1953, otherwise they would be marked "Occupied Japan".

If Murphy's law is correct, everything East of the San Andreas Fault will slide into the Atlantic
posted on September 14, 2006 04:29:37 AM new
Thank, Sparkz. I know they aren't Occupied Japan - the quality is too good. LOL! It seems like things went downhill quality-wise during that time. I'm guessing the 1945 time period due to the man's age that these belonged to. I'm not sure if they were his that he collected or that he played with.


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