posted on December 10, 2001 07:00:29 PM new
After being scammed by a felon for $608.50, I still do not know where my funds are within PayPal. But let me give you a couple of scenarios:
SCENARIO A. PayPal has sent the money to the felon and stopped all investigation
Big Winner: Felon - He got my money
2nd Winner: PayPal - They got 2.9% from the felon
Big Loser: Consumer - Lost all the money
PayPal is harboring this criminal to do business on the Internet for a 2.9% gain. I have provided substantial proof and evidence that the felon has sold me pirated software that do not work, merely a bunch of junk. Despite PayPal's power to reverse the funds due to fraud, PayPal does not care because they state that I received the "junk". As long as I received the "junk", it is my duty to settle it with the seller, who has ignored me since he ran off with my money.
Benefit to Future Criminals: Criminals can collect money by sending junks to buyers. As long as they send something, even a piece of rock, PayPal will defend them and harbor these criminal activities. They will not reverse the charge and take the money from the felon's account and refund the customer. By doing so, they are harboring criminals and encouraging illegal activities.
SCENARIO B. PayPal has locked the money and frozen the felon's account, but will not refund the buyer.
Big Winner: PayPal - They got my money and all of the felon's money, including 2.9% on my transaction
Big Loser: Consumer - Lost all the money
2nd Loser: Felon - His account is frozen with more cash than just my stolen money
I cannot verify whether PayPal has frozen the criminal's account. PayPal will not specify. In this scenario, PayPal is the master criminal. If they refuse to return my money and release the felon's account, where do you think the money is going?
In both scenarios, the consumers are the big losers and PayPal is at fault. If anyone with power, be it the media or federal regulators, is smart enough to figure out what is going on here, please do something! This is an outrage! How can anyone turn a blind eye to fraud???