posted on December 8, 2001 06:43:30 AM new
The most recent horror story was the laptop $1000 loss.
The buyer (A) of the laptop was a seller to other paypalians (B). The seller (C) of the laptop has payment reversed to account A. Funds from account A are then refunded to the B accounts. Paypal wants the money from seller C to cover the reversal to seller/buyer A.
Has paypal washed their hands of seller/buyer A? Is account A listed as negative with any funds coming in going to account C or to paypal? If account C was a buyer can paypal reverse any payment from that account to cover the reversal to account A? If they can't, why can paypal reverse payment from account C to account A to cover refunds to accounts B?
These questions make me wonder where does the buck stop? Theoretically paypal could keep going with this until they found a way to recover any funds somewhere in the chain. I'll sit down & shut up now,
posted on December 8, 2001 09:31:25 AM new
there are paypal members who engage in cyber fraud by setting up multiple email addr and register with paypal,using their credit cards to send money to their other accounts.
withdraw money and then 30-90 days down the road,tell their credit card company to do a chargeback.
or several people can get together and do this among themselves,sending money back and forth,either pretending they are buying from each other,or just simply send payment.
paypal must have some kind of procedure in place to track down such activities and flush out these players,how they do it ??they are not going to tell us.
in the mean time an honest seller or buyer who has dealt with these crooks can have their accounts lock up pending investigation?
another laptop horror story in cyberspace ,so waht else is new?you would think by now buyers should know enough not to buy laptops,projectors,digital cameras from individual unless he/she is willing to risk losing money
posted on December 11, 2001 08:26:01 AM new
paypal pays me zero.
i read these posts and they all start out with someone is at fault,some one else did me wrong,some one should punish the crook and get my money back.
never has there been one post which said i am stupid to fork my hard earned money to someone in cyberspace.
posted on December 11, 2001 11:30:06 AM new
Hi arurenusan,
Very few employees are allowed to post in a public forum. All employees doing so need to identify themselves as representatives of the organization. Employees that do post need to do so with the consent of the communications department.