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posted on September 13, 2006 07:39:23 AM new
Ebay's arch enemy in Asia has plans to go global..I'll be anxious to hear more (unfortunately I couldn't see the whole article because I'm not a member):

An excerpt from China Knowledge ....
"Alibaba reveals plans to go global
Sep. 11, 2006 (China Knowledge) – Alibaba.com Corp., China’s largest e-commerce company, plans to expand to India, Southeast Asia, and even Europe, Porter Erisman, vice-president of international marketing and business development, was quoted as saying in a report by the South China Morning Post. The Hangzhou-based company plans to expand in the new regions in the next one or two years, and will t.....
The full contents can only be viewed by China Knowledge Premium Members. To read the full contents, please login or sign up. "

More about plans to go global:


http://stores.ebay.com/Moody-Mommys-Marvelous-Postcards?refid=store [ edited by NEGLUS on Sep 13, 2006 07:45 AM ]
posted on September 13, 2006 09:36:44 AM new
"Alibaba.com Corp"

Alibaba?? do his 40 thieves also work for the


If you dont want to hear the truth....dont ask the question.
posted on September 13, 2006 10:27:17 AM new

posted on September 13, 2006 01:42:22 PM new
Hey, Neglus--while I've got you here. . . I just love using that book template you made for me. I think of you often with gratitude as I use it more and more.

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