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posted on September 12, 2006 06:54:27 PM new
When do you start counting? I've never waited this long before but now I'm faced with shipping late. If they paid on 9/6/06 so do I have till tomorrow or the next day. I'm shipping furniture and I do state it takes a bit longer.

posted on September 12, 2006 07:11:58 PM new
I would say the 13th although I don't know that it's written in stone. Have you been in constant contact with your buyer? I've won items that took longer than 7 days to ship for one reason or another and as long as the seller kept me up to date, I didn't have a problem with it.


posted on September 12, 2006 07:18:06 PM new
I think the winner is one of the "no comment" types. I wrote after he won and gave him a time table - he never replied so I don't think writing him again will help.
I'm still trying my best to get it out tomorrow but I just don't know if I will make it.

posted on September 12, 2006 07:20:49 PM new
How are you shipping? And why did you have to wait to ship? Is it freight or what and reason they can't pick up or you take before 7 days past payment recieved. Have I got that right you have not shipped and it has been right at 7 days already? Not picking at you just wondering more specifics.
Could understand if freight had to be arranged and they put you off. Otherwise seems you could have shipped by at least 48 hours after receiving payment? omitting weekend days of course.

The harder I try the BEHINDER I get.
posted on September 12, 2006 07:42:01 PM new
irked - It's going DHL or FedEx. I was out of town when the item sold out of my store - I anticipated an offer but they purchased without a best offer. When I got home there was a problem with the boxes that I planned to use so I had to re-order.

posted on September 13, 2006 02:49:00 AM new
You start counting on the day payment is made or rather,the charge transaction goes thru.

posted on September 14, 2006 08:27:10 AM new
Thanks hwahwa - I went to paypal and read the information and that's what I came up with too.
I was able to get it out on time after all so there is no problem.

posted on September 18, 2006 02:45:12 PM new
Paypal is wierd. I don't think you have to worry too much though if the item is shipped within a few days out of the 7 days period. If the bidder files a chargeback, all Paypal asks is for proof of shipment. Once they get that, they don't bother with you. They just notify the bidder of the ship date.

Now, things may be different if the bidder pursues a chargeback through their Credit Card, but that would take quite awhile (30-45 days) for them to process it, Paypal will request your tracking info, and if the Bidder received the item and didn't send it back, then they are SOL.

I recommend emailing the bidder and letting them know of the delay, and then email them immediately after the item has been shipped with the Tracking number. That way they know it is on its way and they can follow it. Piece of mind for bidders is generally a tracking number away... unless it takes too long in transit. It is better to communicate with a bidder and know you did everything to make them happy than to not communicate and leave them in the dark. Even if they don't reply, it may just mean they are too busy and just want the info rather than have to carry on a pointless correspondence back and forth.

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