posted on March 12, 2003 02:20:44 PM new
Hi, all: I've been interested in PayPal's checkout but can't find where I can preview it. I came across this auction today: #3502634457. Is this a PayPal checkout? Or something else?
If it's PayPal's checkout, do you know if the payment plans (at the right) HAVE to say "PayPal Preferred," or does the seller write whatever she wants in that space? (Like, PayPal accepted over $10, or such.)
posted on March 12, 2003 02:56:52 PM new
That's just the eBay checkout with PayPal as an option. The text in the "Payment instructions" are determined by the seller. That seller choose to say, "PAYPAL PREFERRED, MONEY ORDERS OR PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED." The seller could just as easily said, "I only accept unmarked bills shipped to my post office box."