posted on September 30, 2003 06:17:57 PM new
Subject: why womens lib doesnt work
Date: 9/23/2003, 1:50 PM
From: xxxxx
To: [email protected]
Hi Tom,
This is my back ground. I grew up in an traditional family, my father
made millions in investments, my mother is and has always been a devoted
house wife. I knew at 24 that it was time for me to find a husband and
companion for life, and married an older man by 19 years, he was old
fashion and from a family like my own.
My husband earns mid six figures, found me very refreshing compared to
the modern day women. He loves my long hair, my kept physical
appearance, and the fact that I always put him first above all. He is
the man of our home, the leader and the decision maker. I support him,
and in return he deeply respects me. I do not understand any woman who
would deny a man anything, for we were put here to please and serve our
husbands, and marriage works best when this is the case. For no home can
work and have two masters.
We have been married six years now, and nothing has changed, nor will I
ever cut my hair short, which came into tradition during the 20's, or
tell him how to run his business. Nor do I ever gripe or complain, in
fact I always look for times when I can make his day better whether it
is giving him a bath, or sitting by him and rubbing his feet.
The largest flaw women have is to believe that their equality is by some
means a good thing. I realize that womens lib does not work for many
reasons. Since "women's liberation" as they call it, we are no longer
good wifes and companions for our husbands. Womens liberation is based
on selfishness. Freud called it penis envy, but the truth is it is based
on women becoming greedy and wanting the power of a man.
These women opinions came from generations of bitter unattractive
hags, who knew no man would want to provide for them, or listen to them.
Women want the same rights as men but the flaw of this is that women are
driven by emotion, and emotional opinions rather than logical reasoning.
Now america once the strong country it was, is laughed on by other
countries because we are in many ways bleeding hearts. Think of all the
foolish lawsuits that win today. Many laws are based on emotional
opinions rather than reasonable decisions as men make. Like the lap
dance law in L.A. Or animal rights groups who are anti-exotic animal
ownership however by passing such laws leave many animals are now facing
Not that I am saying all women are unreasonable, but most are. Women
want to marry men and take no responsiblity for pleasing them, and
now homes are no longer strong. Women are below working hard to please
their husbands, and have passed such laws that if men get tired of being
treated poor they lose half their assets. No wonder marriage is no
longer well thought of, but discouraged in many cases.
Until we return to our traditional roles no family can be happy. Men
need to learn to be men again, and only marry a woman who knows her
place and loves to please him and only him.
It is good that men like yourself are giving the younger generation the
encouragement they need to be strong and not put up with this
attitude. It is a shame that women have lost their traditional role, and
it seems most women have no idea what they lost in the process.
Thank you for reading my letter. I think your show is great, I listen
often when preparing dinner before my husband comes home.
Tom Leykis has has one of the best radio shows I have ever listend to...
posted on September 30, 2003 06:39:28 PM new
Excuse me, while I barf. I knew you were into the Stepford-types, Twelve, but this woman is an airhead. A blow-up doll would be more stimulating.
posted on September 30, 2003 06:45:40 PM new
[i]"...and only marry a woman who knows her
Oh HELL no - not in this lifetime!
"Be kind. Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Harry Thompson
"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
posted on September 30, 2003 06:53:53 PM new
I ran this letter through a program called "Gender Genie" and the results indicate that the author of this letter is male. Hahaha!
posted on September 30, 2003 07:40:49 PM new
Pretending for the moment that story has any basis in reality I hope she retains that attitude when his happiness requires him to get a replacement when she can't look good in long silver hair and won't fit his mental picture of an attractive devoted wife.
She should just quietly withdraw and not retain a lawyer to extract any more 'respect' han he can willingl;y give her as she is discarded.
posted on September 30, 2003 08:23:51 PM new
Tom Leykis...listened to across the country, by guys who go home from the bar alone
In this world of sin and sorrow, there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican. -- H.L. Mencken
posted on September 30, 2003 08:28:25 PM new
The only time I agree that a woman should know her place is when it's on a motorcycle. I either ride on the back, or get my own. It just doesn't look right to see a guy riding on the back while a woman drives. But that's just me.
Other than that, I bring (ok, brought) home the major money and am in charge of the banking. Most other tasks are split between us.
By the way, if women are supposed to be like in that letter, why don't men open doors anymore? And why do they swear in front of me, cut me off while entering a store or elevator, etc.
posted on September 30, 2003 08:39:15 PM new
That's because Twelve wrote the letter himself. Can't you tell? It's like something out of an old Frank Sinatra movie.
posted on September 30, 2003 08:42:21 PM new
The letter is actually on Leykis' webpage...if twelve wrote it, he should be crowing that he made his hero's homepage
In this world of sin and sorrow, there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican. -- H.L. Mencken
posted on September 30, 2003 08:44:04 PM new
My wife has her bike!
I have my bike!
And we have our Bike!
She drives her bike, no problem!
She rides with me on my bike no problem!
She rides with me on our bike!
But DAMN she will not drive our bike!
I would love to sit on the back and enjoy the ride,she refuses to give me the pleasure!
posted on September 30, 2003 10:15:03 PM new
The right is responsible for the dissolving family unit.
Women are forced out of the domestic life, it is not in all cases by choice but because the single income won’t stretch far enough any more.
I don’t know that bringing up one’s son to be competitive and the daughter to be a cheering bimbo is how I want my daughter brought up.
It sounds like an oppressive regime to me.
Check out the Bimbos on the letterman shows, eminently ‘porkable’, but who would want to marry that.
At least the Taleeban let women show their thoughts, if not their faces. LOL
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a sexist too, but bimbo is fine for you to marry and bring up your little ‘clones’ but not for me.
Shut up Lucy!; just keep wriggling.
How can you possibly ‘honour’ a ‘lesser’.
Don’t let me discourage you from bringing up your daughter less educated and enlightened, my son will need some easy practice before he finds an enlightened woman.
posted on October 1, 2003 12:00:22 AM new
I have mixed feelings about womens lib. It has made it easier for us to get laid but it also made women difficult to live with.
posted on October 1, 2003 12:34:38 AM new
It's difficult for you to live with a woman that feels that she has a purpose other than to serve you? That's a damn shame.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on October 1, 2003 03:28:33 AM new
Profe is right in one respect, I didn't write the letter...
However going home alone is the whole point of Leykis 101... after a night of sex... no relationship advice, just getting sex...
He does preach that if you are going to get married, make sure that she is wiling to "serve" and "obey" and if no dating of single mothers...
Kind of reminds me of my navy days...
Oh and Kraft speaking of Navy days... that is one thing I did like about Canada, whenever we pulled into Halifax, those women were the "friendliest" I had met since leaving Charleston... It was most fortunate that their husbands were out to sea...
posted on October 1, 2003 07:23:17 AM new
just like selling on ebay,find your niche and stick to it.
some women do well catering to men,some do well developing their own career,if everyone does the same thing,it would be a very BORING world.
if you have not seen a movie called M BUTTERFLY starring jeremy irons,it is worth your time watching it.
there is something to learn there-a man knows what a man wants in a woman.
-sig file -------The thrill is gone!!
posted on October 1, 2003 07:25:02 AM new
i just reread the letter,this woman married a man 19 years her senior.
not all women want to do that.
so to some of us,she is paying a price for that creature comfort the man brings her!!
-sig file -------The thrill is gone!!
posted on October 1, 2003 07:44:44 AM new
cant have the cake and eat it too!!
do what you think is right for you.but one sad situation i have been observing is that as women get older and frail,they really dont look forward to getting up at dawn,shove snow off the car/driveway and fight that traffic to work.
stamina is what older women seem to be lacking as time marches on.
-sig file -------The thrill is gone!!
posted on October 1, 2003 10:17:58 AM new
If the story is true, this woman has lots of money and probably has servants so it's not like she's spending her days cooking and cleaning to please her man. By the time she hits her 40's the old guy may not look so good to her so she will be chasing the gardener or getting it on with the cabana boy.
Twelvepole has often mentioned his desire for a woman to cater to his every need but if she never confronts him on any issue the relationship would miss that certain spark that fuels most good ones. Because she is a vacant-headed bimbo he would soon be lacking for what he refers to as "stimulating" conversation.
But....... lucky for him, Vendio would be just a click away.
posted on October 1, 2003 05:43:58 PM new
Nice Assumption Kiara, that she is a "vacant-headed bimbo", you have no proof of that and are just stating an opinion... hell she might of graduated from college with a masters degree and figured out what she wants out of life...
It is always funny when a woman decides to take on a traditional role, she is attacked for it...
posted on October 1, 2003 05:57:27 PM new
she is probably wiser and more sophisticated than her peers,coming from a wealthy family and married to a wealthy older man.
lets all drink to that!!
the rothchild family of france served the royal court,one of their women once said,let the men make the money,they know how to do it and do it well,so why should women sweat over it??
-sig file -------The thrill is gone!!
posted on October 1, 2003 07:21:33 PM new
I know women that take on traditional roles and they aren't attacked. They aren't totally focused on pleasing and serving their men but still have happy marriages.
If this one is so well educated you would think that she would be able to write and spell better.
She has several spelling errors including "wifes".
Or animal rights groups who are anti-exotic animal ownership however by passing such laws leave many animals are now facing extinction. ??
She mentions men who lose half their assets. If her husband dumped her she'd be screaming for the same thing or more.
Twice she comments on her hair as if it's one of the most important things in her life. She starts out by saying that her Daddy made millions and then the first thing she mentions about her Sugar Daddy is his salary. She sounds like a spoiled rich bimbo.
posted on October 1, 2003 07:35:56 PM new"I do not understand any woman who would deny a man anything, for we were put here to please and serve our husbands, and marriage works best when this is the case. For no home can work and have two masters."