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posted on September 15, 2006 06:55:37 AM new
I had a guy as what it would cost to ship a $25.00 book to Poland. I answered him, and he responds by ordering FIVE books.

Total with shipping will be close to $200

Most of my stuff is pretty low price so I don't worry too much about overseas fraud, but this one is worth being careful with.

Buyer has 17 positive feedbacks, but just changed his buyer ID on the 12th. He has won a few other items since the 12th, but mine are easily the most expensive. Other than this past week, he's bought nothing since April. It could be a stolen account, could be he was just inactive for a while. He hasn't paid yet, so I can't comment on his address.

I'm willing to take a neg(or five) if it saves me $200, but not if it's only my paranoia talking.

Any thoughts?

Dr. Arcane, revelator of mystical secrets
Got questions about the secrets of the universe?

posted on September 15, 2006 07:35:59 AM new
It's probably your paranoia. What kind of books are they? Frankly, if I were using a stolen account or credit card, it wouldn't be for buying relatively inexpensive books, if you know what I mean.


posted on September 15, 2006 08:02:07 AM new
How are you shipping these books?
Did you look into Intl M-BAG??
If he is not using Paypal,you can save him some money by shipping MBAG,if it is available to Poland.
I just shipped an EMS package to Serbia,it only costs me 27 dollars.
[ edited by hwahwa on Sep 15, 2006 08:03 AM ]
posted on September 15, 2006 08:37:05 AM new
Airmail M-Bag's are available to Poland. Up to 11 pounds is $40.70 and each additional pound or fraction of a pound over that is $3.70 each. Weight limit is 66 Pounds.

If your total shipping weight is over 11 pounds the M-Bag is cheaper than Airmail Parcel Post.

I would ask for payment by Western Union or Money order and offer M-Bag as method of transport (if weight is 11 pounds or more).

Note USPS shipping conditions.

Prohibitions: Articles, printed matter, written documents or other articles contrary to interests of Poland.

1 out of 4 people are mentally unbalanced. Take a look at your 3 closest friends. If they seem alright, you're the one! - Kyle Stubbins, CMS
posted on September 15, 2006 09:33:31 AM new
"How are you shipping these books?"

I don't know yet. There are five heavy hardcover books, totalling just under 14 Lbs. I gave him the option of Surface or Global Priority. Surprisingly, sending them in Five Global Priority envelopes is cheaper than sending the whole lot in a single box by airmail.

"What kind of books are they? Frankly, if I were using a stolen account or credit card, it wouldn't be for buying relatively inexpensive books, if you know what I mean."

These are Hardcover role-playing game books. $125 worth of books, plus around $50 in shipping isn't inexpensive in my opinion.

Dr. Arcane, revelator of mystical secrets
Got questions about the secrets of the universe?

posted on September 15, 2006 11:25:17 AM new
Actually, it makes sense to use a stolen account to buy items that seem low value to us but might have a much higher resale value overseas.

Stupid thieves steal a credit card and try to use it to buy Cartier watches. Slightly smarter thieves use it to buy lower-value items where there are fewer safeguards, and buy more of them.

Years ago when I sold at the annual Niles California Flea Market, there was a lady who went around and made many purchases, paying with checks. All were less than $25. And (you know how this ends) every single one of the checks bounced. They were written on a closed account.

Now you might argue that that's a waste of effort -- if you're going to defraud, do it big-time -- but the dollar amounts involved elicited a giant yawn from law enforcement. I was one of the sellers who accepted a check from her because she was local. I turned down a $125 check from an out-of-state couple.


[ edited by fluffythewondercat on Sep 15, 2006 11:26 AM ]
posted on September 15, 2006 12:06:33 PM new
I have to agree with Fluffy on this one. We get comfortable thinking the scammers have a certain MO (method of operation). But when you think about it in the business sense, they are no different than sellers.

You can make $1000 by selling one item or you can make it the hard way, $1 at a time.

Just because I might not be willing to put in the work to profit $1 per sale , does not mean that someone else would turn down the opportunity.

And no offense DrA, but every time, I've sold an expensive game on eBay , I've always wondered who would get "played".
posted on September 15, 2006 12:50:22 PM new
Tell the buyer the price quote was for 1 book, additional books will cost more, of course.

USPS.com for 14 lbs to Poland shows:
Global Express Mail™ (EMS) 3 - 5 Days $66.25
Airmail Parcel Post 4 - 10 Days $54.55
Economy (Surface) Parcel Post 4 - 6 Weeks $30.05


posted on September 15, 2006 12:55:31 PM new
I would NEVER ship SURFACE to ANYWHERE, except for ELBONIA!

LAST TIME to OZ, it took 4 MONTHS!

To Europe, twas 3 months!

Easy way to AVOID it is to NEVER offer iT!

Can gaarantee that iffen ya accept PP & ship SURFACE, ye'll be EATING the MOOLA!

[ edited by tomwiii on Sep 15, 2006 12:56 PM ]
posted on September 15, 2006 01:39:23 PM new
Like I said use the Airmail M-Bag. It's fast and less expensive than package type Airmail.

If your customer doesn't mind a LONG wait (and I never offer it for just that reason) you could also use Economy Direct Sack to One Addressee M-Bag. Surface M-Bags to Poland only run $17.60 for the first 11 pounds and $1.60 for each addditional up to 66 pounds.

Or if your buyer is rich, you could use Global Express Guarenteed. For 14 pounds it's only a meesley $254.00.

sthoemke - Your fee's are all wrong for 14 pounds. Those are 15 pound fee's you quoted to Poland.

1 out of 4 people are mentally unbalanced. Take a look at your 3 closest friends. If they seem alright, you're the one! - Kyle Stubbins, CMS
posted on September 15, 2006 03:18:12 PM new
A week ago I found an email in my AOL spam file,it is from a guy who claimed to be in MALTA and would like to order 800 dollars worth of goods from my website.
He took my bank account information so he could do a wiretransfer.
Then he said he decided to send me a money order which he would like me to cash it RIGHT AWAY and remit the difference to him,per instructions.
Well,I looked up his IP address and it seems to be coming from NIGERIA.
Just curious how big a difference would his money order be (after substracting 800 dollars),I lied to him and said his money order has arrived and how should I send the goods and remit the difference.This is his email back to me-
How are you doing today,your family and business?I am very happy to hear that the money order had arrived at your place safely,i can not wait to have the piece shipped to me.
I want you to request for instant cash at your Bank so that you can be paid and go ahead with the process of the order.

After collecting instant cashing you will deduct the cost for the piece and
shipping then send the remaining money via western union money transfer to my clearing agent that will handle the clearing of the piece and they are to help me clear some other goods which is already on the way.

I want you to send their money immediately so that they can help me clear my goods which is already on the way and also make available all necessary documents required for the clearing and custom duties prior to the arrival of the piece.

Below is the information you require to send the money via western union money transfer to the clearing agent.

1)Receiving Location :45 Salvador close Eastbourne bn23 5tb United Kingdom

2)Receivers Name: Edward Olawale Haastrup

I want you to deduct the western union commission from the remaining money to be sent and include the amount sent in the western union information when geting back to me in your next email.
I want you to get back to me with the information used in sending the money via western as listed below:

1)Control Number( MTCN)

2)Senders Name(This is the senders name as filled with western)

3)Senders Address/Zip Code as filled in the Western Union Form.

4)Amount Sent

You can send the money in any western union money transfer outlet close to your place:



Possibly if you can make everything work out today,that will be most appreciated.
Looking forward to hear from you asap.
Shipping address
James siimth
17 Bishop Caruana street,
Msida City 356

How much mail storage do you get for free? Yahoo! Mail gives you 1GB!
Get Yahoo! Mail

posted on September 15, 2006 03:20:40 PM new
Here is his second email which said how much is the money order-
How are you doing today,your family and business?
As regards your last email,my client was suppose to send me an amount of $3000 which is the amount owing me.
But he said he was going to send you an amount of $1960,i want you to confirm if he sent you this amount or more.If he does,i want you to deduct the cost of the piece and shipping then let me know what you have left and amount to be remited to UK.
I will be looking forward to hear from you asap.

posted on September 15, 2006 04:15:54 PM new
Sthoemke said:
USPS.com for 14 lbs to Poland shows:
Global Express Mail™ (EMS) 3 - 5 Days $66.25
Airmail Parcel Post 4 - 10 Days $54.55
Economy (Surface) Parcel Post 4 - 6 Weeks $30.05

Yep, that's what I came up with too. The other option is as I said to send it in five global priority envelopes, which is actually cheaper than the Airmail quoted above $9.50x5=$47.50.

I assume there is no way to track a package to Poland, right?

I have never tried M-Bag before, and the USPS site doesn't have that in their shipping estimator. What's required to do this? Is the delivery comparable to air or suface?

I've still not heard back from the guy, but that might be due to time zone differences.
Dr. Arcane, revelator of mystical secrets
The Arcane Assembly

posted on September 15, 2006 04:43:13 PM new
The only way to track a package to Poland would be thru EMS.
search for INTL AIR MBAG on USPS website,it is there.
When you go to the post office and request Mbag,they will go to the back and bring out a green canvas bag and put all your books in there ,thats why it is called MBAG.
If he wants to save some money and use MBAG,you will tell him not to use PAYPAL
[ edited by hwahwa on Sep 15, 2006 04:44 PM ]
posted on September 15, 2006 05:38:31 PM new
Major M-bag question! I've wondered about these for years. Now I know, by reading this thread, that M-bags are green canvas. That's about all I know at this point.

To ship books (or something else) in one, are you allowed to package them with protective paper or bubble wrap or are they just bouncing loose in the bag? Can they all be in a box?

Can anything go into an M-bag? (Not just written material?)

And. . . is there a site where I can get all the info about rates etc. in one place? I don't want to ask our p.o. clerks because they may not have all the answers.

posted on September 15, 2006 08:29:43 PM new
Just go to the USPS website and look in the online IMM (International Mail Manual) or if you do like I do I buy the printed manual. The rates are listed for every country that the USPS will deliver to in the IMM manual. Each country has different rates and most all have different regulations, prohibitions, restrictions and so on.

Here's the online IMM manual and if you should ever need it the DMM manual. These two books contain prety much every regulation you will ever need to ship anything, anywhere in the world. In the IMM manual just click on the countries link and pick the exact country you want to ship to. It will have a list of all the rates, available services and add on's and restrictions.

sthoemke's rates are still wrong. If you notice his link is for a package of 14 pounds and 1 ounce which bumps the rates up to the 15 pound rate. I never get my rates from anywhere but the USPS website. There the ones that take the money so they are the ones that alway's have the most up to date rates and regulations.

edited to add: Just for you roadsmith here's everything you ever wanted to know about M-Bag's to one address. http://pe.usps.gov/text/imm/immc2_019.html#vnameref_1

1 out of 4 people are mentally unbalanced. Take a look at your 3 closest friends. If they seem alright, you're the one! - Kyle Stubbins, CMS [ edited by mikes4x4andtruckrepair on Sep 15, 2006 08:33 PM ]
posted on September 15, 2006 09:49:53 PM new
Thanks, Mike! That last link in your posting is exactly what I needed. I see this there:

264.1 Marking

Printed matter, or printed matter in combination with merchandise items, must be placed into one or more individual packages bearing the name and address of the sender and addressee. Each package must be marked "POSTAGE PAID - M-BAG."

I take that to mean that I can wrap, protect, and package as if I were sending each item separately. I've printed this information now and will save it for such time as I need it with a lot of books going overseas. Appreciate your help!

I'd like to hear from someone who's actually used this service for books; did the shipment get there okay? Any problems?

posted on September 15, 2006 09:50:24 PM new
I think I would be very leary of that transaction. Email him and tell him you want only MO or western union, no paypal. I would not trust anyone from poland but that is just me.
My new online store.
posted on September 15, 2006 10:02:51 PM new
Irked, I love the artwork on your sig line. Did you do it yourself?
posted on September 16, 2006 07:46:27 AM new
I have used the M-Bag service many times before. Never had a problem with anything getting to the addressee so far.

Next time your at the PO ask for a handfull of M-Bag tag's, PO form number PS TAG 158. Some PO's will also give you the bag's in advance if they know you. I keep two of them in stock myself.

If you by chance print your postage with Endicia like I do you can print your M-Bag postage through them. Another great feature of Endicia's. Anything I can do ahead of time at home is less time I spend at the PO.

Don't forget you will still need to fill out a customs form when using the M-Bag service.

1 out of 4 people are mentally unbalanced. Take a look at your 3 closest friends. If they seem alright, you're the one! - Kyle Stubbins, CMS
posted on September 16, 2006 10:26:43 AM new
It is a good idea to wrap your books in some thing,if you see the Mbag,there is no zipper,just ropes to tighten around the opening,so anything can get in.

posted on September 16, 2006 09:03:56 PM new
I SURE DO APPRECIATE the help you all have given me. Thanks so much.

posted on September 17, 2006 10:38:10 PM new
Thanks for th mbag and manual links Mike. I need to keep them for future reference. so doing that now.

Ltray yes I made up the logo but used a image from clipart in word program, so actually someone else did art work I just manipulated it around etc. I guess I can use clipart since it is in the program.
My new online store.
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