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posted on September 14, 2006 11:12:13 AM new
Can you believe this?? Even Western Union warns against using their services for auction sites.

Western union

"Don’t use money transfer services to pay for things like online auction purchases."

I need to ship a very fragile item to Switzerland and would prefer that they use Western Union, I hope they don't get turned off when they read that!

It is a fairly new user and they want to use a credit card but I prefer to not use PayPal.

I know everyone has discussed this before, but dont' have time right now to search the board, so any input is appreciated.
posted on September 14, 2006 11:26:42 AM new
I am married to a Swiss and I would have to say that, as a group, they are responsible to a fault. I doubt that you will experience any buyer fraud from Switzerland so it's safe to accept any type of payment from them. Swiss mail is also very precise. I wouldn't hesitate to accept PayPal from them.

posted on September 14, 2006 12:10:56 PM new
Thanks Neglus
I am usually not concerned about shipping to Switzerland or most European countries for that matter (ITaly excluded!)All of my foreign buyers have used PayPal.

On the plus side, the Swiss postal code states that all insured packages are held at the PO for pickup. So she can not claim item not received.

This order just has me concerned because of a few out of the ordinary things.

This is a new ebayer. Signed up in August. Zero Feedback.

I can not view her bidding history due to Switzerland's privacy laws. When I do a buyer search , the page returns- "Not possible-
Privacy laws in some European countries do not allow us to pass on information involving bidders from those countries. If you want to find all auctions this user has bid on, please contact the user directly by email."

The item she wants to purchase weighs 20 lbs. It is juice packaged in 4 glass bottles (FRAGILE!. I ship this item FedEx ground in the US and have never had breakage but I'm not sure how well it will withstand international handling.
Shipping will be $80. Even though I am going to insure the shipment, I would prefer that she not be able to deny PayPal payment should something get broken. I have never had an international charge back for any reason. Just want to cover my bases this time.

This product is not usually the target for scammers, so I am not concerned about that.

Overall, I feel pretty good about the transaction. I have exchanged numerous emails with her and they all sound normal. Just sent her an email saying I'll accept PayPal, Western Union or International Money. Just waiting to see what her reply is.
posted on September 14, 2006 02:10:22 PM new

As Risk-Rejector Ralphie reminds repeatedly, ntm wretchedly:

"Mit das SWISS, vat ist urine RISK TOLERANCE?"

How much does yer No-No-Nanette-Nanny Juice set ya back, if Frau Hausenfeathers does a PP CHARGEBACK?

REMEMBER: iffen ya ship to the LAND OF YUCKY COUGH-DROPS, ye ain't covered under PP's Sellers' UN-Protection Policy -- At ALL! NOT EVEN a teensie-weensie liddle bit!

Do you light yer CUBANS with $20 bills? Or are ye POOR LIKE US?

[ edited by tomwiii on Sep 14, 2006 02:13 PM ]
posted on September 14, 2006 02:18:26 PM new
I would ask for Western Union anyway. You have the good track record not her. I'm sure there is no problem but $80 is a lot to be out of if something goes wrong.

posted on September 14, 2006 04:38:18 PM new
Tomwii, I ain't smoken Cubans or liten' em with $20, but if I could not take $200 hit, I would have no business selling the stuff to begin with.

With that said, I also don't want to hang a sign out there saying "Look at me, I'm a sucker!"

Every business venture has risks. The man informed is the one ahead of the game and so far, the game is going pretty well.

Plus I'm feeling Lucky
posted on September 14, 2006 05:29:19 PM new
Hopefully the word for the day will not turn out to be "hubris".


posted on September 14, 2006 05:43:55 PM new
Funny you should say it that way Fluff.

Hubris was the word of the day for Sunday October 7, 2001. It is not likely to roll back up to the top of the list in my life time.

I've been more than humbled by life's lessons but amazingly still remain a partisan of the goodness of human kind.

. When your ship comes in.... make sure you are willing to unload it. .
posted on September 14, 2006 05:56:24 PM new
Hummmm you are in a quandry with such breakable item. Don't ya just hate problems like this one. I get paranoid over shipping that cost that much too. Usually the shipping is higher than the darn widget they buy. Amazing how they want something with such high shipping but with that said maybe their pocket books are better lined than mine.
Good luck hope they pay western union or MO. I always sweat any international shipment until I hear they got it and are happy and left feedback hopefully. I have learned one major thing here at the board and I use it on all international shipments don't leave feedback until they do.
My new online store.
posted on September 14, 2006 06:51:06 PM new

"I ain't smoken Cubans or liten' em with $20, but if I could not take $200 hit, I would have no business selling the stuff to begin with."

Let's see now, let's say I were a realtor, would it be true that if I can't take a $3M hit, I have no business selling homes?

It's your business to accept PayPal from Switzerland if you want to, but don't make it sound like a requirement of selling $200 items that you willingly accept unsecured payments.


posted on September 15, 2006 02:47:33 AM new

The Swiss banks run like clockwork and can easily arrange a wire transfer (for a mere arm and leg) in USD. Cheapest solution would be well concealed US greenbacks (bills only) or a USD bank check drawn on a US bank.

We actually prefer to be paid in Swiss Francs (SFR) as they can be redeemed for Swiss chocolate (yummy), deposited to our Swiss bank account (boring) or used to buy exciting local goodies like limited edition Swatches (or IWC models) which can be sold for greater profit to collectors abroad. International arbitrage is half the fun of making sales worldwide - you're always on the search for the next "hidden treasure" and "undiscovered niche"...

As to insurance - ask your carrier if it applies to liquids in glass containers. Some carriers won't allow such shipments given the high risk of breakage and potentially spoilage of other items. However you may be able to ship in a sealable plastic or paper container if the buyer doesn't mind.

Home of the best eBay auction fee & PayPal calculators: http://auctionfeecalculator.com
posted on September 15, 2006 04:19:27 AM new
Agit said "We actually prefer to be paid in Swiss Francs (SFR) as they can be redeemed for Swiss chocolate"

Chocolate! YMMM! Sure, I'll take chocolate for juice any day.

Unfortunately I had a rather sad experience trying to transport a personal chocolate stash back to the US from Germany. Had to check the baggage. When I opened the bag state-side, I had something less than the world's finest...

Cash said "don't make it sound like a requirement of selling $200 items that you willingly accept unsecured payments."

Huh??? I did not say that at all. In no way did I infer that it be mandated that everyone should take unsecure payments. But secured payment or not, you have to know your risk tolerance.

The only truly secure payment that I am aware of is Cash in Hand.

posted on September 15, 2006 06:07:48 AM new
...which is better than being left Bird-in-Hand, in PA!

Got stuff? PLEASE join RALPHIE & ME in some AUCTIONS for our favorite NON-PROFIT~Thank You!
posted on September 15, 2006 11:35:02 AM new
Ok, I just hit my risk tolerance level this morning. How They Steal Your Account!

Ms Switzerland has not done a thing to set off any warning bells, but that other email sure did and I am not in the mood to send any $200 packages to un-confirmed addresses this morning. Needless to say, my optimism has been a bit tried this morning.
posted on September 16, 2006 12:08:49 PM new
Yeah, I see that BS too. I find it hard to understand why they can consider Western Union a bad option to make payment. I understand some people use it for fraudulent purchases, scams, etc. but by the same token, people use Paypal for fraud all the time. Ironic how that works.

In the past, I've accept Western Union payments when an International bidder wants to wire transfer. There are a few benefits to this... 1) WU is located literally next door to us, and when they process the payment, we get cash which goes directly into our cash register as a cash payment. Then we ship their item to them. 2) It costs the seller nothing. 3) It is safe for the seller as long as you don't fall for one of those "I'll send you a money order for more than the item and you western union the difference to us the same day" schemes.

I simply don't think us honest sellers should be banned from using a viable payment option that ebay doesn't "profit" from. It is Paypal's policy that they don't provide seller protection against fraudulent international payments whatsoever. Paypal simply lets these criminals use their system to rip sellers off, and then we are the ones screwed. All it takes is for a bidder to "claim" they never received their item, and Paypal will do a chargeback. No real investigation, nothing...

I think an honest seller will offer 2-3 payment options for international bidder to use and one of those should be WU if someone wants to use it.

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