posted on October 11, 2003 06:33:49 AM newrush to support Rush just warm the cockles of your heart? You have 'cockles' in your heart????? that's what your problem is. That explains everything.
posted on October 11, 2003 06:41:37 AM new
oh and before I can give suggestions on what you can do about your 'heart problem', I need to know if your cockles are of the weedy plant type or the hard heart shaped shell type.
If they're the hard heart-shaped shell type, there is no cure ....sorry.
posted on October 11, 2003 07:14:44 AM new
Dear HARD Hearted Hanna [it's those darn cockles] - that's in lieu of HWJ or HJw...whatever you used to use here.
anyway....Dear HHH - the 'warrior' from the 'angry left' -
What's that you say about hypocrits? I've said many times I find YOU to be a hyprocrite. You'll not find one place, in this discussion on Russ where you can correctly accuse me of hypocricy.
posted on October 11, 2003 07:28:00 AM new
Linda says, you correctly accuse me of hypocricy.
A lot of gobbledegook from Linda instead of an answer.
What bearing does my previous identity a couple of years ago have with my question to you? BTW...It was Hjw, my initials. When I reregistered, I simply used my first name and subterfuge involved.
Back to the question...I've been called a bleeding heart liberal because I support help for people with drug problems in situations similar to the Limbaugh drug addiction case. In my case though, I am a bleeding heart for everyone. You appear to be a selective bleeding heart.
How can you sympathise with Rush and not with the black guy in the same circumstance?
posted on October 11, 2003 07:37:07 AM new
HHH - I find it laughable that while I have asked you questions, so many times - as have others, and you have not answered...yet you sit there demanding I answer yours. Works both ways.
I'm addressing the issue of hypocrisy. And I've asked you where in this thread you see that I've proved the accusation you're making? I have not.
posted on October 11, 2003 07:48:25 AM new
In this case, linda, hypocrisy is evident when you excuse Rush Limbaugh for drug addiction while you would vote to send others to the penitentiary for the same offense.
posted on October 11, 2003 07:54:19 AM newThat's the question you refuse to answer.
okay...let me be sure I have the 'game' rules down correctly. I have refused to answer your question on the black/drug issue; you have refused to support the accusation you have made against me.....but somehow that works out in your favor????
Show me WHERE in this thread, I have said Rush's drug problem is different from the black/drug issue you are bringing into the fold.
I have NOT said it is okay for him, and not the black person you brought into the picture.
posted on October 11, 2003 08:07:18 AM new
Linda "I have asked you questions, so many times - as have others, and you have not answered...yet you sit there demanding I answer yours."
Yes Linda, we have heard that excuse from you many times.
Linda is exercising her right to refuse to answer certain questions on the grounds that they may incriminate her.
It is her right, don't you know?
Achtung! Helen; Ve Ask Ze Qvestions!!!
Helen; However we do know what Linda would say if a black boy was shot in the back for running away from the police because he was a ‘suspect’.
colin would say too; ‘nice grouping’.
Bear, ‘friendly fire’
12, ‘waste of lead. Should of used a club’
Linda, ‘LOL..too funy, you guys are the best, you call’em like they is’
posted on October 11, 2003 08:09:21 AM new "I have NOT said it is okay for him, and not the black person you brought into the picture."
So, do you believe that he should go to jail with the black guy or do you support changing the Florida Statutes?
Florida Statutes
893.135 Trafficking; mandatory sentences;
(c)1. Any person who knowingly sells, purchases, manufactures, delivers, or brings into this state, or who is knowingly in actual or constructive possession of, 4 grams or more of oxycodone, or 4 grams or more of any mixture containing any such substance, but less than 30 kilograms of such substance or mixture, commits a felony
of the first degree, which felony shall be known as "trafficking in illegal drugs," punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. If the quantity involved:
a. Is 4 grams or more, but less than 14 grams, such person shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 3 years, and the defendant shall be ordered to pay a fine of $50,000.
b. Is 14 grams or more, but less than 28 grams, such person shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 15 years, and the defendant shall be ordered to pay a fine of $100,000.
c. Is 28 grams or more, but less than 30 kilograms, such person shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 25 calendar years and pay a fine of $500,000.
Right now, prisons are overflowing with drug addicts. This is a good time to reconsider your position on drug use and rehabilitation as it applies to all people. Let your understanding for Rush Limbaugh expand to each and every drug addict in America!
posted on October 11, 2003 08:17:30 AM new
HHH - no subterfuge're just so defensive. None was meant. I was making reference to changing your initials from whatever initials you use to use, to what I was using now...HHH.
Still can't support your accusation huh? Figures...
To answer your question. I feel all drug users should be treated equally. There is a MAJOR difference to me if they are using, vs selling drugs. But the laws should be equal for all.
There are many black/white/purple drug users who are ordered to go into drug rehab, in order to avoid jail time. And I did mention Rush MIGHT face jail time. He still might.
Hope that clears up this issue and IF you can't come up with proof of where I've stated Rush should be treated differently, then I'd appreciate an apology.
Not that I think that will ever I'm not holding my breath.
I could post REAMS of quotes to illustrate your position on drug use. You have even attacked posters on this board for medical use of drugs prescribed for pain. I'm tired of you, Linda.
My original comment...Don't all these bleeding heart neocons who rush to support Rush just warm the cockles of your heart?
But, I wonder what their attitude would be if we were considering a young black kid caught with 160 grams of oxycodone.
and...I'm so surprised to find that you neocons have a heart...for your own, that is...
How would you feel now, about the black guy in the same situation...with 160 grams of oxycodone.
I'll bet he would be facing 3 to 5 least.
What's that you say about hypocrits?
If those comments did not apply to you, Linda...Why did you reply????
posted on October 11, 2003 08:46:07 AM new
helen says:
I'm tired of you Linda. You ALWAYS resort to saying that to me and others when you cannot support your position. Be tired of won't hurt at all, I promise.
I could post REAMS of quotes to illustrate your position on drug use.
Yes, you could. Why don't you? I've read the files you keep on what people say are extensive.
So post away, helen, rather than making more accusations that you can't support. Especially IF it will prove that I've taken a different position on this thread about Rush, and have said I excuse HIS behavior. You will NEVER find me saying what you've accused me of here...which was EXCUSING Rush's drug usage. Because you can't. I didn't.
posted on October 11, 2003 09:02:11 AM new
HHH askes: If those comments did not apply to you, Linda...Why did you reply????
gee....would cause I can, work for you? Especially since you've said that to me before?
Seriously...I feel light-hearted today and found you 'cockles' comment funny. That made me think of sea shells, which led me to question if that's why 'bleeding heart' liberal's, hearts bleed. So...I answered joking around. You're the one that brought the other question into the mix. And I responded.
take a deep breath, helen....this is just a chat board. You know....a place to make a friend, tell a story, etc.
posted on October 11, 2003 09:20:50 AM new
HHH - Once again you would be wrong. I believe your problem is that because YOU would do differently, you project that same behavior off on others.
Like asking about Hillary. You can't judge others by your own mind set HHH.
Are you EVER going to support your accusation about where I gave Rush special treatment, in this thread? LOL
posted on October 11, 2003 09:41:03 AM new
No, can't support your accusation so I don't think you can claim that is MY position. But rather it is a position you choose to try to attach to me.
Incorrectly I might add.
I take all this dancing around the issue as a cannot support your position in this case. Thank you....I'm done.
posted on October 11, 2003 09:45:40 AM new
From the outset Mr. Limbaugh is being treated differently by the media, the public and law enforcement.
No one in the media is piling on, there are many precedents for instance the initial reaction in the media to Marion Barry the ex mayor of Washington DC and his substance abuse problem.
The public is not demanding this mans head on a platter in fact they are considering this to be a medically based problem rather than rushing to judgment based on his status as a low life junkie. Realize that his purchases on the black market may have funded terrorism (George bush told me this and he doesn't lie).
Law enforcement has not kicked down the door to Casa Limbaugh thrown him up against the wall and ransacked the premises searching for the drugs (under the patriot act no warrant would be needed to accomplish this).
Other high profile republicans shown judicial discretion in recent years:
The Bush daughters George's and Jed's.
Republican, the other white meat!
posted on October 11, 2003 09:52:00 AM new
You are trying to tell me, Linda that you would hold Rush Limbaugh's drug offense under the same scrutiny that you would hold a black guy's offense under the same circumstance.
Excuse me Linda if I don't believe that.
Based on reading your conservative opinions, your reversal is just as silly as that of Limbaugh. Did you read his comment in 1995?
Limbaugh, in a 1995 tyrade...
Even though blacks and whites break the drug laws in roughly equal percentages, he noted, black druggies go to prison far more often than white druggies do. But to the liberal-bashing host, this was no reason to ease up on blacks.
"What this says to me," he told his listeners that day, "is that too many whites are getting away with drug use. Too many whites are getting away with drug sales. Too many whites are getting away with trafficking in this stuff. The answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail because we're not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too."
posted on October 11, 2003 10:11:34 AM new
Your naming me hard hearted is incorrect because I would afford the same consideration to Rush Limbaugh as I would to the black guy. I would send neither one to jail.
posted on October 11, 2003 10:17:57 AM new
LInda and Helen, the real issue here is- What would Rush do?
Rush would rush to throw the other guy into jail. You betcha. In the interests of justice and anti-hipocrisy, I would like to give the "other guy" the chance to make his wishes known...
What do you think they would be?
"And All Shall be Well, and All Shall be Well, and All Manner of Things Shall be Well"
posted on October 11, 2003 02:23:11 PM new
"How would you feel now, about the black guy in the same situation...with 160 grams of oxycodone.
I'll bet he would be facing 3 to 5 least.
What's that you say about hypocrits? "
It all comes down to how much money you have to pay the lawyers into getting you off the hook. (ahem, OJ, ahem coby)
let me ad that I think this whole thing is funny. anyone who is famous can go into rehab and be a good guy when its over, its just going to make him seem more like a regular guy in the end and ultimately gain more following as a result of it.
I dont agree with much of what he has to say, but I can certainly appreciatte a good 'spinner' when I hear one. The Democrats just lack the skills to make themselves sound good, and either there just isnt a single democrat out there that can do so, or they dont have the material to do it with.
posted on October 12, 2003 06:57:13 AM new
"But, I wonder what their attitude would be if we were considering a young black kid caught with 160 grams of oxycodone."
Would the oxy be for his/her use or would he/she be selling it on the corner?
There's a great many people out there with dependencies on prescription drugs and or alcohol. Some are famous, some not. I've seen many I know get hooked on them.
Pain sucks. Some have a stronger threshold then others.
Rush is the perfect target for the leftist. Where's Betty Ford when you need her?
"Rush is the perfect target for the leftist. Where's Betty Ford when you need her?"
Rush needs Betty Ford to help him understand that drug addiction is a medical condition and as such, the guy on the corner deserves the same consideration that Rush expects for himself.
Rush Limbaugh's political position should be a target of all Americans. Even normal Republicans reject Linbaugh's views.