posted on October 5, 2003 12:24:12 PM new
Absolutely Helen & Clive - drug addiction can happen to anyone.
Some people that are addicted to prescription pills, don't think they're doing drugs, believe it or not. They think powder form is bad but pill form is good. Doctor - good, dealer - bad. This misconception is deeply ingrained in people, so in a way, you can see how a person like Limbaugh could get caught up in it without thinking his stance against drugs is hypocrital. (This is if he's not a druggie but really has chronic pain.)
posted on October 5, 2003 12:53:16 PM new
helen - Once again you put a different meaning to what I said.
Of course drug addiction has no political boundries. The point is what the left accepts from their own side [of politicial people] what they do not accept in those whos political leanings they oppose.
Just like the sex scandal with clinton. They continually say 'so what' to his sexual activities, while having a field day with Arnold's.
That's the "hypocrisy stick" I was referring to. But, you knew that.
[ edited by Linda_K on Oct 5, 2003 01:05 PM ]
posted on October 5, 2003 01:03:53 PM new
clivebarkerfan - I'm still saying that YOU personally have absolutely NO way of knowing if he had cronic pain or not. You are making a judgement, forming an opinion, which has not been proved or disproved. None of his doctors have spoken out on his medical issues, nor has he.
It doesn't matter when she went to the Enquirer either. To do so has greatly diminished the value of her testimony, as it does anytime a witness earns money on a 'story' they tell. Listen to any lawyer talk about the makes a GREAT deal of difference when a witness takes this action.
posted on October 5, 2003 01:17:33 PM new
California will get exactly what it deserves in a Governor, just like it did when it elected Mr. Davis.I don't care what Arnold did any more than I care what Clinton did. If the right cannot accept Clinton's adventures, they should not be willing to accept Arnold's. He should be held to the very same standard to which Clinton was held, but then, so should Newt and all the other Republicans who admitted to similar activities, after initially lying about it, along with other Dems who have led the same sort of sleazy lives. In for a dime in for a dollar. It can't be ok for one and not another, whether you're a Republican or a Democrat.
What Limbaugh said may very well be true, and I personally don't think he was necessarily being racist when he said it. He should have know he'd be jumped on however. People on both sides of the political fence will holler RACE whenever it suits their ends. Personally, I find it quite amusing to see the big blowhard in trouble, no matter what the reason, it's great entertainment. I wonder though, could he and Arnold be red herrings, to take the public's eye
away from what's really going sour in Government ?
In this world of sin and sorrow, there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican. -- H.L. Mencken
Your constant badgering of Clinton and the left is becoming monotonously lame. It's interesting that you are so liberal when consideration is needed on your side of the fence. At least, Clinton's dalliance was consensual.
BTW....I haven't mentioned Schwarzenegger's sexual problem.
posted on October 5, 2003 03:05:55 PM new
I've never really concerned myself a democrat or a republican. But I did say "so what" to the Clinton sex "scandal". So, he screwed around at work on his wife. That's really between the two of them and the precedent had already been set by many presidents and men before him.
Now, having said that what I did object to was the lying. If he had just been a man and admitted to it, things would've gone much easier and probably would've blown over much quicker.
And of course the opposing side will attack. Clinton's enemies went after him just as Arnold's now go after him. No big shock there.
You are correct, I am making an assumption about whether he had chronic pain. But again, if he did, why wouldn't he just say he was under a doctors care and had a script for all of the pills?
Just because he may have pain doesn't excuse the illegal purchasing of medication. Nor the hypocrisy.
posted on October 5, 2003 03:30:19 PM new
profe - It can't be ok for one and not another, whether you're a Republican or a Democrat.
I agree...and stated exactly the same thing in another thread on this subject.
lol're just going to have to get used to my bring clinton into the picture. Both of them. I have no intention of not making you aware of how hypocritical your statements are by showing how on two different issues, groping and Hitler, clinton and Arnold acted in similar ways and held similar views. You accepted this exact same behavior from clinton, dismissed it even, and now you say it was consensual
??? I don't think so. He had a PI keeping his 'playmates' quiet. He has had several women come forward and accuse him of groping them. He has been accused of raping one of them. You see that as consensual?
posted on October 5, 2003 03:35:06 PM new
clivebarkerfan - why wouldn't he just say he was under a doctors care and had a script for all of the pills?
Have you heard him say anything about this case, except that he will tell his fans his side ONCE he knows what, if any, charges may be filed against him? haven't because there haven't been any statements from him yet.
On the why? As I said before....I'm sure his attorney's have given him the same advice given everyone client they represent. Keep quiet until we know IF and what the charges may be.
posted on October 5, 2003 04:31:59 PM new
"Have you heard him say anything about this case, except that he will tell his fans his side ONCE he knows what, if any, charges may be filed against him? haven't because there haven't been any statements from him yet. "
And that's what I find bizarre. I listened to his show Friday to see what he had to say. It was weird... Rush Limbaugh was speechless?!
This is the ONLY reason I give any credence to the claim at all... If it were a complete fabrication, he would have said so.
Replay Media
Games of all kinds!
posted on October 5, 2003 04:35:31 PM new
You are the hypocrite, Linda. You keep accusing me of making hypocritical statements but if you will read, you will see that I haven't discussed Schwartzenegger's sex problems in this thread or in any other thread.
It's pathetic that instead of offering sensible arguments to support your politicians, you try to shift focus by tawdry smear techniques. I suppose that's all you can do when there is no explanation.
You say, get used to it. Well, I am and so is everyone else.
posted on October 5, 2003 04:57:45 PM new
replaymedia - Rush Limbaugh was speechless?! LOL, yes that is quite a change for him, I agree.
This is the ONLY reason I give any credence to the claim at all... If it were a complete fabrication, he would have said so.
I can understand your view. But I don't think he would have said so, under these particular circumstances, only because he's stated he's not even aware if what he's hearing [that the Feds are investigatin him] is true or not.
But I do him not to have something to say about anything is unusual.
posted on October 5, 2003 08:53:10 PM new
As clivebarker also stated, one would presume if one had a chronic pain problem, they would be able to get medicatation from a doctor.
Is that an unreasonable assumption? I dont think so.
posted on October 5, 2003 09:24:31 PM new
Because of political pressure and drug enforcement policy many who need prescribed medication are unable to obtain it through legitimate channels as doctors are afraid to write certain prescriptions.
I have seen this first hand.
Republican, the other white meat!
posted on October 7, 2003 07:25:56 AM new
I remember the first time I heard Rush, I was shocked that anyone could possibly say the things that he does. He has always spoken in a code- "Welfare Bums" means blacks, "Disrespectful Youth" means anyone younger than 18, he has always battened on the human impulse to look for someone else to blame. He tells blue collar workers that they are the shining knights of our society and that they don't need no stinking government health insurance. My boss believed him, too- and is now out of business because he tried to provide HI for his staff, when we couldn't afford it. I lost the best job I ever had. I could cover my health costs more or less, while I had the job.
In Rush's world that is no black or white. Every Democrat is evil and every poor person is a welfare bum and every drug user is a criminal, and now he is exposed as a drug user. And he is going to ask his followers to see theshades of grey that he has taught them do not exist.
Hoist the man with his own petard.
"And All Shall be Well, and All Shall be Well, and All Manner of Things Shall be Well"
posted on October 7, 2003 10:10:45 AM new
dragonmom - He has always spoken in a code- "Welfare Bums" means blacks....
I don't agree with your conclusion that 'welfare bums' means blacks. Do you have a quote where Rush has said this????
I've always taken his welfare bums statements to include most who have been dependent on the system for a very long time.
And since during the time welfare reform was being discussed, during the clinton administration, whites were the largest group of welfare recipients. Between whites/hispanics/blacks they were pretty much equal in percentages....with whites having the majority at that time.
posted on October 7, 2003 02:21:55 PM new
I welcome ALL old and new posters Helen. Did I miss the thread where we welcomed her?
I have said many times that I have no problem with those who hold different views than I do. My post was to say I didn't think her conclusion, on that subject, would be correct and why.
Are you trying to censor me by saying I shouldn't respond to a posters comments because they're new here?
posted on October 7, 2003 07:46:10 PM new
You two! LOL I never did intorduce myself, I just realised that- I post pretty regularly on the ebay board, and followed an argument over here.
Your Hypocrisy stick point is a double edged sword, Linda, because that is exactly what I see so clearly in the Right Wing media... I am sure that you know and I know that All media is hipocritical, no matter what way it leans. I supported Clinton against his accusers, and as a matter of fact, I think most of Arnold's adventures were concensual and have nothing to do with his *HIGHLY DOUBTFUL* abilities to be a governor (sorry fo yelling for a moment lol) and are nothing but your basic dirty politics.
As a matter of fact, anyone who wins this election is in for the worst years of hell of their lifetime, and it might as well be Arnie as anyone with more potential. but, back to Rush- I can only judge him by the way the people around me- who listened to him all the time- reacted to his show. This was a pretty good cross section of bluecollar workers- engineers and machinists, IT personnel and all the rest. We were all races, three white, two Hispanic, two black, one Korean. Every one agreed with him that the blacks and mexicans were lazy bums- including theblacks and mexicans who were working there. They, of course, were the exceptions. They really believed that. It seemed to me that Rush reinforced that type of belief all the time.
I think the man is a hypocrit, myself. AS I said before, in his world, ALL illegal drug users are criminals. Now he has to face his world-view head on.
What is Rush saying about Arnold? He sure had a lot to say about Clinton!
"And All Shall be Well, and All Shall be Well, and All Manner of Things Shall be Well"
posted on October 7, 2003 08:55:04 PM new
Well....WELCOME dragonmon to:
The Vendio Round Table
A place to kick back, relax, and have fun! Share a story, tell a joke, write a poem, make a friend...
Don't know if that holds up to be the truth or not, but you will find a lot of stimulating debate of politics going on here.
I agree, that if Arnold turns out to be the winner he will have his hands full. But leaving Davis in office wasn't going to change much other than statis quo and that was sinking CA deeper into debt, imo.
What I'm MOST interested in hearing, in the election results, is how many voters (%) voted for both Arnold AND Tom. [both on the repubican ticket]...vs. how many voted for Cruz. .. and against Davis being left in office. To me, that will show how angry the Californian's are with what's happening in their state. With the problems that state has, I seriously doubt that many expect Arnold to pull a rabbit out of a hat. But hopefully, he can turn things around and get CA headed back in the right direction.
On what is Rush saying about're probably going to be surprised, not knowing me too well yet, but I don't listen to Rush. I hear what he has to say when he is quoted in the news media or by some friends of mine who quote him or when stories like this surface. But what I have heard about his opinions, I agree with most of them. It's his presentation that bothers some. Not that they aren't just as angry about the issues as he is. And Sean Hannity of Hannity and Colmes is 2nd to Rush as far as the radio listeners go.... supporting their right-leaning positions.
Okay....what argument on the ebay board caused you to find us? Curisoity killed the cat, they say.
Anyway....welcome, once again. Hope you have thick skin, because you might need it posting here.
[ edited by Linda_K on Oct 7, 2003 09:04 PM ]
posted on October 7, 2003 09:10:58 PM new
heh, my skin thickens and thins, shall we say, monthly. I have other forums to go to when I need a "hallmark moment"
And I usually am not as argumentative as I am right now!
I live in chicago at this time. My whole family lives in Los Angeles, CA- and I am trying to find the money to move home again. Remember when there was film of the cops chasing OJ Simpson down the highway? The sun was going down and everything was that goldenlight- fromthe smog, of course. I was in PA at the time, and I nearly cried right then. A friend called me from New York, saying "did you see the LIGHT?" lol
So this recall is pretty important to me as I willl be moving back into whatever travesty of a state government will be voted in. And I agree that what was in place wasn't much either.
As for Rush, I disagree with about 85 percent of what he says. What I find offensive is his arguments- he will say one thing I agree with- and then another thing- and then draw a conclusion that is absolutely wrong. And, It's NOT just what you say but how you say it. As I say, he doesn't talk in shades of gray. He has convinced huge numbers of his followers that there are only two sides to any argument. That is dangerous, because it makes his followeres stupid, and I think he does it on purpose. Stupid people are easy to control.
What drew me over here? Why, it was twelvepole, saying "poor Rush"! lol!
"And All Shall be Well, and All Shall be Well, and All Manner of Things Shall be Well"
posted on October 7, 2003 09:23:53 PM new
dragonmom - I don't find you argumentative, you're just stating your position. There are many here who hold positions that are very different from mine. [to say the least ]. Several whom I have enormous respect for. Their differing political positions don't make me dislike them, because I respect how they conduct themselves while debating. That's what makes the world go round.
My husband and I left CA a little more than 4 years ago. Glad to have left. But I do have family and a life time of friends there. And they're hoping for change. Hope you are able to get there soon.
posted on October 7, 2003 09:31:23 PM new I was going to reply to your question greycelt. But then noticed you've already edited your post.
I also was going to welcome you....and yell she'd come and let me know if I could respond to you or not. Then I noticed you've been registered here since 11-99 but only have four posts. Are you a shy kind of person?
posted on October 8, 2003 09:37:19 PM new
When you say,"you've seen it first hand", does that mean you yourself, needed some meds and didnt get them? Or someone you know?
I dont think most good doctors have any fear about prescribing needed medications. But they are given according to their usage and dosage. 30 pills/30 days -- whatever. Do they not want to exceed the recommended usage? Hell,yeah, I could see them covering their a** for that. Sure. And even then, if you are really in pain and have a GOOD doctor, you will get it. (My mother had colon cancer and her doctor had no problem increasing her medication. Its called comfort care when there is nothing else.)
But the problem is many just reach a tolerance level because they over medicate or dont follow the subcribed dosage to start with. That is beginning of the addiction process. Some even start off with something like a toothache, and long after its gone, still are asking doctors for codene or vicodin claiming some other malady because during the toothache they learned they feel better, cope better and like it. But the doctors know whats going on, too.